
Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine

Tv H Restart Romania!

Radio Seven

Turbulent Times: Economic and Political Directions
2018, November 8-10, Constanta, Romania

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to inform you of a forthcoming international conference which is going to be held in Constanta, at Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Law and Economics, Constanta.

Papers may cover topics in Management, Marketing, Regional Development, Accounting, Finance, Insurance, Risks and Social Sciences, Law etc., bearing on the Conference theme.

The conference will take place from November, on the 8th and 10th in Constanta City and will cover the following thematic areas: Global Economic, Social and Political Issues, Management and Marketing, Economy and Regional Development, Accounting and Finance, Business Law.

The objectives of the conference are aimed to encourage the sharing of expertise among the participants and establish a favourable climate for future collaborations and partnerships on various scientific projects.

The Executive Committee

Supporting Partners