Registration fee is 100 euro (or lei at the current exchange rate at the date of payment). Payment may be made using bank transfer. If paying by this method, you must agree to pay all associated bank charges.
This fee covers:
- the registration procedures
- conference package (Conference Programme and a Conference Proceedings CD)
- coffee breaks
- lunch
- festive dinner
- sights tours in Constanta County
Transport and accommodation expenses will be supported by participants.
All accepted papers will be published in
Economics, Management, and Financial Markets
ISSN: 1842-3191
Publisher: Addleton Academic Publishers
Country: United States
Start year: 2006
indexed in EBSCO, Cabell’s Economics and Finance Directory, EconLit, ProQuest, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Contemporary Science Association Databases.
The conference fee must be paid for all participants at the Conference before May, 10, 2013. If all the authors of one paper participate at the conference, all of them must pay the conference fee. The 100 euro fee covers the cost of publication for the first article. For each author no more than 2 articles will be accepted (single or co-author); the publishing cost for the second article is 50 euro. Each article must have no more than four authors.
Payments should be made to (with specification “Participation fee for the ICBE 2011”):
in LEI
Name: Universitatea Spiru Haret
IBAN CODE: RO35RZBR0000060005053075
Name: Spiru Haret University
Bank adress: Victoria Branch Bucharest, Romania
IBAN CODE: RO56RZBR0000060004669159
All bank charges will be in your account